The Roman emperors wouldnt have put

The Roman emperors wouldnt have put

The Roman emperors wouldnt have put up with it: Harry Kane statue gets art critics talking

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- SGH-X660 - .. =)
- Fly MX230
- Sony Ericsson Cedar

. . ! =)

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, Linkin Park . , ... =)
... ... =) , ...(Fujifilm FinePix S4200) =) . + Nikon 18. =)

Syniad da mewn gwirionedd... Wna i drio cofio defnyddio'r hashnod hefyd.

Dwi'n gwybod bod mae fy twts yn ailadroddol weithiau, ond, wel, dyna bwywd! Ond, mae o'n ffordd da i ymarfer y geiriau chi'n defnyddio yn aml.

Really good idea... I'll try to remember to use the hashtag too.

I know my toots are repetitive sometimes, but, well, that's life! But, it's a good way to practice the words you use often.

More from the floor

... =)
, , . . PVP . . , .
. =) .. . =)
, + ! =)

Kim Kardashian graces Los Angeles art gala in Princess Diana's cross necklace

Create your Dream Diary

Listen up ElonClifton Suspension Bridge museum leaves X

A shadow of its former self...

I used to write a lot in my about what the kids did when they lived at home. But I have never attempted to cover my wives' activities comprehensively.

... ... . ! =) ... ... , , .. . . =


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Duels 3.5.3 -
... ( !!)

11/16/2002, Saturday. Photo shoot at Graceland Cemetery, a popular haunt for photographers.

The diary of doom. Packing, packing, packing.

... =)
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250 VQR 1 20 =) -

(11/15/2019, Friday) "Sheeleresque" (a la Charles Sheeler). The audio snapshot:

Lytton Strachey foxes Julianne Moore in Pedro Almodvar film


**L'aventure dans le fediverse**.
Difficile de se faire une place. Ce qu'il crit a n'intresse pas, comme dans la vie relle. Il n'a pas d'amis, pas de copains et n'en a jamais eu. Alors pourquoi il espre en trouver ici Il n'a pas d'attrait. De physionomie il est repoussant parce qu'il croit avoir l'air dur, antipathique. Alors on fait mine de ne pas le voir et de ne pas l'entendre. Il est un mendiant de la relation sociale, ce mendiant qu'on ne voit pas dans

Packing and getting ready to move

Maybe if I spent some time somewhere I could actually see the real sky at night it would help me reset. Badwater Basin is starting to enter the cool season, and I have so missed it lately...

NGL, it getting almost dark at 4 PM is rough after having spent much of my summer north of the arctic circle. Could fall asleep in my car and get a suntan the whole time, but now It gets so dark and my body is like "huh what is this".

The big news!!!!

This image defined the times, and even more so now. (11/12/2016): J.G. Ballard's line from the novel High-Rise came to mind as being in the "gap": "Looking up at the endless tiers of balconies, he felt uneasily like a visitor to a malevolent zoo where terraces of vertically mounted cages contained creatures of random and ferocious cruelty."

Kim Gordon and the machines of torture

I get massages, I get voice lessons, I ride my bike, I go to tai chi class, I drive my car, I get little presents, I watch movies, I go to the gym, I rest in bed...*nothing* works. I can never really get any better.

I get a massage, string up some happy festive lights in my room (with a view of the ocean), put a good movie on, have a good dream...only to *still* wake up with blood pouring out of my nose, after the sleep I got wasn't very good. I feel so finished.

Cleaning up and podcasting. Thats what Sundays are about right

I'm back on the again after a couple of weeks away I'm looking this time at , thanks to some observations from Thomas Mallon and douard Louis.

Today's diary... Tiago is back.

Some diary juxtapositions over 110 years.


7. November 2024 - Es geht weiter
3) 09:45 Uhr. Die FDP-Staatssekretre Hocker, Lukzic und Kluckert verlassen das Verkehrsministerium
2) - 09:00 Uhr: Scholz-Berater Jrg Kukies, bisher Beamter im Kanzleramt, soll neuer Finanzminister werden
1) - 08:45 Uhr: Volker tritt aus der aus und bleibt

Last presidential election, I went off on a horse ride to calm my I wish I had the time to do that now...

Painting is Charles Burton Barber's "No Ride Today".