Was Nix!
#blog #cat #diary #katze #leeloo #mainecoon
DiaryIt's already been a few years since I've seen a cover design that I like... Even the Collaboration Editions are boring (to me)...
Edit: I think the black gingham paper weeks is the only one I am attracted to.
Dernires photos avant la fin du monde :
Dernires photos avant la fin du monde :
Dernires photos avant la fin du monde :
mon amour Heutige Tagebuchskizze
I work at a museum and sometimes do archeology birthday parties there . Today, I got this good luck charm as a Thank you.
... A NA VKY (Forver and Ever)
1998, Michaela Pavltov & Pavel Kouteck Czech Republic
I am a bad kitchen witch today. I burned chocolate while melting it and left the beaten egg white in the fridge, while wondering while the dough looked so weird.
I'm the witch that poisons you by accident.
a journal list
2308.21 - DDOP.20 - Meta Monday: Migrainey Mermaid I took yesterday off because I was in migraine hell.  
Hello people,
When it comes to having a journal online, which would you recommend for someone who values privacy (meaning they wont sell users information, data, online activities)
Please feel free to elaborate in comments. Thank you.
Aamun brain dump.
Live feeds -ominaisuutta penkoessa trmsin postaukseen bullet journalista ja sunsamasta. Postaus kirvoitti ajattelemaan ja muistelemaan omaa toimintaa.
Olen aikaisemmin kertonut, kuinka trke pivkirjan kirjoittaminen minulle on ja kuinka sit teen. Nin ei kuitenkaan ole aina ollut. Olen yrittnyt pivkirjan kirjoittamista monta kertaa, mutta viimeist lukuun ottamatta kaikki yritykset eponnistuvat. Lysin lopulta yhden ison syyn, joka selitti eponnistumisia ja samalla oivalsin, ett minulle pivkirjan kirjoittamisessa, juoksemisessa ja valokuvauksessa on paljon yhteist.
Syy on se, etten kokenut tekevni asioita oikein, turhauduin ja lopetin. Olen ihminen joka inspiroituu helposti toisten tekemisist. Katson kuinka he tekevt asioita ja alan penkoa netist how to -tutoriaaleja ja -videoita. Niden seurauksena pdyn herksti tilanteeseen, jossa koitan lyt sit tydellist ja oikeaa tapaa tehd asioita.
Bullet journaling puhutteli minua ajatustasolla suuresti ja ajattelin, ett se olisi se tapa jolla saisin pivkirjan rullaamaan. Kun katselin videoita, nin ett muiden ihmisten pivkirjat olivat kuin taideteoksia. Suunniteltuja, koristeltuja, hienoja kalenterinkymi, selkeit todo-listoja ja niin edelleen. Yritin, mutta se ei koskaan tuntunut omalta ja lopulta luovuin ajatuksesta ennen kuin oikeastaan psin edes alkuun.
Vlill innostun katsomaan videoita katuvalokuvauksesta. Millaisia asetuksia pit kytt, millainen on tydellinen kamera ja tydellinen linssi. Miten lhestytn ihmisi ja kuuluuko heit lhesty. Kytetnk filmi vai ei ja onko todellinen katuvalokuvaus mustavalkoista filmilitkujen kanssa puuhastelua. Lopputulos on se, etten koskaan tee sit, koska tekninen npertely tappaa sen inspiraation ja usein se katoaa pitkksi aikaa, koska pelko vrin tekemisest ei katoa hetkess.
Syy miksi nykyinen pivkirja toimii niin hyvin on se, etten vlit siit miten teen sit. Vlitn vain siit, ett teen sit. En yllpid sit sen ulkonn takia tai siksi, ett voisin edustaa tietynlaistan kirjoittajien ryhm ja esitell tuotostani muille. Minulle merkitsee vain sislt ja se kiva fiilis, mik kirjoittamisesta tulee. Siit tuli paljon helpompaa, kun lakkasin vertaamasta itseni muihin tai kirjoitettuihin sntihin. Saatan toki kokeilla muiden ajatuksia ja ideoita, mutta jos ne eivt tunnu omilta, en kytn niit.
Iso syy siihen miksi ultrajuoksuharjoittelu onnistui niin hyvin oli se, ett keskityin puhtaasti fiilikseen. Toki otin itselle hyvksi havaittuja oppeja muiden treeniohjelmista ja juoksutekniikoista, mutta juoksemisesta tuli aidosti mukavaa vasta, kun lysin ne omat syyt juosta. Lakkasin juoksemasta siksi, ett viikossa pit olla X mr kilometrej tai siksi, ett kisat oli tulossa ja maraton piti alle tietyn ajan. Juoksin siksi, ett ne olivat hetki jolloin saatoin kuunnella linnun laulua tai talvisen hangen narinaa. Sain nauttia omasta ajasta, raikkaasta ilmasta tai mielenkiintoisesta podcastista. Keskityin siihen hienoon fiilikseen, joka tuli kun pystyi liikkumaan oman kropan voimin pitki matkoja - asia, jota ei pitisi pit pivnselvyyten.
Tm ei ole helppoa, ei ainakaan minulle. Monet asiat kuolevat edelleen pois koska pdyn tekemn niist teknist nysvmist. Niihin pitisi tuoda tm pivkirjasta ja juoksemisesta opittu ajattelutapa. Tmn takia en ole vielkn pssyt katuvalokuvaukseen, vaikka olen vuosia siit haaveillut. Monet muutkin asiat odottavat toteutumistaan.
Tm aamun brain dump on muistutus tulevaisuuden minlle ja toki mys muille, ett keskity sisltn ja siihen mit haluat tehd. Unohda se, ett teetk sit oikein. Se oikea tapa lytyy kyll kun vaan kokeilee ja keskittyy omaan fiilikseen.
ps. Onko brain dumpille hyv suomenkielist termi
Good weather today. Drove out to a friend's and sat in their garden eating in the sun, short walks in the woods that they apparently own now.
Driving home into the sunset was very beautiful at times, but also massively dangerously blinding quite a lot of the time. Didn't crash though.
Well. Not during the sunset driving, only during the parking
Dinged door. Annoyingly I cancelled the pay-nothing insurance when I changed the hire car booking from all weekend to just a day. So that'll cost me.
The hire-car's drop-off is in the middle of a street recently turned into a couple of cul-de-sac's with a block in the middle to stop through-traffic. Lot of that going on. Works quite well for slowing cars down and preventing accidents and making streets more livable.
But Waze doesn't seem to know that yet, so it pushed me into the wrong end and refused to direct me how to get around to the other, correct end. It's like "just drive down there two meters" and I'm like "There's bollards now man!"
Google Maps doesn't seem to even acknowledge that the street exists.
Had to park nearby and walk the route to figure out how to drop it off.
Good day though. Expensive, and frustrating but good.
Please enjoy reading my blogs. I'm going to make a memory diary of what I did yesterday.
"My wife thinks I'm too nosy. At least that's what she writes in her diary." Drake Sather
Haus am See
Ich hab 20 Dosen, mein Fell ist schn.
#blog #cat #caturday #diary #katze #leeloo #mainecoon
Pattern Theory #0
An extended improvisation, mind and hands cooperating in a patterned exploration. I like this one. I don't think it's about anything, it just is. The day's offering.
Went to see a friend play in one of the three bands she is in, at the Dublin Castle which is confusingly in Camden in London.
Supported by "The Mulholland Drivers" a David Lynch inspired band. He had a clipping microphone that sounded like a telephone and she had a 40s looking mic. They were pretty and entertaining.
My friend's band was "In Sect", and they were also very entertaining. The lead singer guy has torches strapped to his wrist that shine on his face when he double-grips the microphone. Particularly handy when he strays from the stage to sing their metal tunes right in people's faces, taking his hand-held torch too.
I like that. Pretty similar to the way I used to record the selfie-videos as I stalked the audience for those up for games and double-shots. Got me right in the eye with that torch at one point though.
Might think about personally-held lights more in the solo show if I ever do that again.
The bar has these weird upside down beer-taps. You order a drink, and they put the glass on top of the tap and press a button then the glass fills up from the bottom-up.
Turns out this is a glass (well, plastic) with a hole in the bottom and a magnetic disc/stopper that prevents the drink from slooshing through the hole in the base.
I did enjoy tentatively fingering the bottom of my glass, letting it get a little wet, risking the full splosh.
Those bar-taps/glasses are well weird.
There was a final band, and they were also good and metal but I dunno what they were called and I left after a couple of songs.
Metcheck reckoned maybe a 70% chance of 0.2mm of rain on the way home so I risked the no-umbrella thing.
The weathermen have been flat out LYING this summer. I have been rained on more than any other summer before. It's been torrential. Including tonight. Weather like Americans expect England to be. The skys opened, and I am drenched.
This week, a garage owner told my fiance she should get rid of me, and I went fishing for some keys!
It's in my free Substack newsletter.
An old prediction in my (6/2016):
In the future, doctors won't need offices, law won't need courtrooms. That feedback loop will affect architecture itself as it adapts to the world inside computers, with disinvestment in the built environment.
What might be interesting, and is happening more and more is that data becomes the main material like paint. We visualize (paint) our experiences.
The perspective is refreshing the attitude is always positive and passionate. This diary encourages the author and the reader to come to terms with the age that's coming. The Navel Diaries: How I Lost My Belly Button and Found Myself by Diann Logan.
A still one for today's offering. Thank you kind friends for listening. I'm still finding my way.
Der Wetterhase heute ist eher Grau. Doch am 16.6. konnte er eintauchen in ein weites Blau.
A lifetime of journal-keeping. Professor Sangat Piyasin. Chiang Mai University, Dept of Geology
Chiang Mai, Thailand 2015
My latest is live. A or post with some vacation pictures and videos.
Journal - Week 32 , August 2023
TBM2308.14 - DDOP.14 - Meta Monday - Mermaid Unscripted  
Today's another Meta Monday
(I'm glad it's not Sunday)
It's my off-the-cuff fun day
Welcome to my Meta Monday
A Small Journey
A gentle barefoot wander through the grass, the day's improvisation.
Hey, do my fellow use their diary to talk themselves out of like me, or am I the only weirdo who does that
Anyway, one more day on which I convinced myself that telling myself I suck at writing is just one of 9 billion people, and not all of them.
So that voice in my head can shut the eff up, thanks.
If you experience the same, ask the devil on your shoulder why you should give a damn shit about anything they say Then write.
Weaving Her River
Patterns that well and effervesce. This one took a few tries. It's an improvisation. The day's offering.
The big question remains: how many to pack for a one week vacation
The functioning as my is a given. All information about our travel is inside my , so I need to bring it along & I feel better having it with me at all times. But it's a vacation! I might want to write in my or do some creative or work on my project that lives in another . Oh, decisions, decisions.
(Very happy decisions.) :blobcatbook:
Decided to write another blog post today!
8/9/2000: Beleaguered Bill Clinton makes another mea culpa on TV. Enough already. It's a terrible strategy two days before the Democratic Convention.
Chicago, North Halsted
Schwarze Katzen sieht man nicht Mich findest du auch nicht, wenn ich nicht will.
#cat #diary #katze #leeloo #mainecoon
Pivkirja on itselleni yksi apuvline, joka auttaa yllpitmn henkist hyvinvointia. Sen kirjoittaminen on usein tosi terapeuttista. Sinne voi oksentaa kaikki ajatukset ja olotilat eik se vlit siit millaisia ne ovat.
Joskus haasteena on kuitenkin sanoittaa ja kuvailla omia fiiliksi. En osaa itse piirt tai maalata, joten sanojen korvikkeeksi olen koittanut etsi netist kuvia, jotka kuvaisivat fiilist, tunnelmaa tai ajatuksia.
Tnn kuitenkin tajusin, ett ehk Midjourney voisi olla tykalu nihin tilanteisiin. Testasin ja olin varsin tyytyvinen siihen, mit muutaman epmrisen sanan prompti palautti.
Ehkp alankin kytt AI:n generoimia kuvia digitaalisessa pivkirjassa silloin kun omat sanat ovat hukassa
For the last maybe 10 years Ive been using a journaling app called as a diary. As times goes on it's really interesting to see what happened "on this day 8 years ago. Learned recently of a new app called and have checked it out. I don't think it'll replace DayOne for me, but Daylio is mostly free and has some improvements over DO so I thought y'all might like to know about it. It's better than DO as it's possible to "microjournal" with it. You can just choose your mood from 5 options, and then there are sections for things like health, social, chores etc. So in 10 sec you could click on Good, and then Cooking, Gym, Movies and tv, and that's it. You can also add full notes like a real diary if you want, along with photos, and it also has a goal tracker and comprehensive stats per day. I really like it. For instance, today I just chose good, coffee, dishes.
Daylio is , DayOne is
Digitaalisen ja paperisen pivkirjan yhteensovittaminen ratkaistu! Tai ainakin sain hyltty ongelmasta tervimmt kulmat pois.
Nrttiratkaisuni oli seuraava:
1) Otan paperisesta kirjoituksesta kuvan knnykll ja tallennan kuvan muodossa YYYY-MM-DD.jpg tiettyyn kansioon
2) SyncThing synkronoi nm kuvat knnykst palvelimelle
3) Palvelimella pyrii hrveli, joka siirt synkronoidut kuvat Obsidianin datahakemistoon. Mikli kyseiselle pivlle on olemassa kirjoitus, kuva(t) liitetn sen loppuun. Mikli kirjoitusta ei ole, sellainen luodaan.
Viimeisen kohdan hrvelin askartelin eilen itse. Se on vain pieni Go:lla tehty sovellus, joka nuuskii tietty hakemistoa ja tekee nuo temput aina kun sinne tulee uusia kuvia.
Nm on hienoja hetki ohjelmoijan elmss kun pystyy ratkaisemaan jonkun pienen arkisen rsytyksen koodilla